Wednesday 5 February 2014

One month on - By Jack

When I mentioned the idea for this blog to Kristy over the Christmas holidays I didn't think we would really end up doing it but Kristy was really up for it and starting building the blog, this got me very excited just wondering if we could really do it. Now a entire month has passed since we decided to take on Doctor Who for an entire year and we have successfully consumed at least one episode a day and are reviewing as we go.

It sounded easy to begin with, any Doctor Who fan would think watching an episode every day would be a piece of cake. To begin with we started by watching entire stories from the classic seasons every night, however we soon began to realise that such a pace would be impossible to keep up as many of these stories are 6 or 8 sections long. We can only watch episodes in the evening so watching a 3 hour episode meant that we simply weren’t having time to keep up with the reviews. Since this minor hiccup we have only been watching one segement of each serial a night and this is working out much better.  It has served to keep the episodes much fresher and gave us more time to think about the episodes as we consumed them.

Every geek, fan boy, fan girl or whatever other label you wish to give it have decided to embark on an epic marathon in honour of their fandom at some point, whether it is watching all 3 Lord of the Rings films back to back or all 6 Star Wars films. However even the most hardcore fans can end up finding it a little tough and difficult to stick with. We know we’re not the first to set out on this journey, nor will we be the last. Some people aim to watch all of the episodes that are available from beginning to end but we decided that this would be a bit too expensive and with some episodes missing anyway we wouldn’t be able to enjoy it in its entirety, instead we get to enjoy deciding which Doctor to watch each night.

We have now consumed Doctor Who for over 30 days now and it has been great despite a few bumps in the road. A few times we have gotten into bed after a long day only to have to get up again because we’ve forgotten to watch an episode and we’ve pretty much had to rule out most other television viewing in favour of the Doctor but the commitment is definitely worth it for the feeling of achievement we’ve gained. I only wish I had the same will power when sticking to a diet.

Putting all that aside it has been a real pleasure and well worth the late nights. Although sometimes it can feel like a chore it has also become a great comfort especially after a bad day. And I still get excited when we start a new episode.

So far my favourite episode has been 'The time meddler'

My next entry on this matter will be at the 6 month mark. Hopefully we will make it ;)

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